Design or Design Review
Aman Fire Protection Engineers offer a full range of extensive knowledge suitable to fulfil the needs of owners, developers and architects. Code consulting services are essential components to providing the occupants of all buildings, both public and private, with a safe environment that meets today’s standards.
Aman provides a drawings design or design review, for the purpose of evaluating compliance with the most recent editions of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) codes and standards. It also provides a travel distance and egress review to ensure compliance with the requirements of the GCC , NFPA or any other recognized standards. Such review includes requirements for: applicable codes, means of egress, fire department access, construction type, building height and area, fire-rating requirements, occupancy and use, occupant load, egress capacity, and special requirements applicable to the project.
Our engineers provides guidance to its clients in solving complicated fire and life safety issues, to allow them to incorporate their desired design features and operational functionality, through our knowledge of current and upcoming changes to local requirements. We assist our client to achieve their target through using alternative design methods such as performance based design analysis.