The Best Fire Prevention Companies Are the Most Capable, and Aman Is Proud to Be Among Them
Let us safeguard your business.
All Services provided by Aman Fire Protection Engineers are approved by the Omani Civil Defence.
Third Party Plan Review
Third party review is a cost effective means for both jurisdictions and contractors who do not have licensed Professional Engineers on staff. Aman Fire Engineering’s’ licensed Fire Protection Engineers can provide plan review services for fire protection code compliance to ensure designs are in accordance with NFPA, ICC, API and other specific project or client standards.
Code Development
Aman engineers are actively involved in the development process for many of the fire protection system codes and standards, this knowledge not only reinforces our expertise in enforcing the code, but also helps developing new and improved standards. We currently have staff who have co-authored books on industrial firefighting, published numerous articles, and serve on NFPA and SFPE committees to assist in the development of the code process.
Education and Training
Aman Fire Engineering can provide training services to meet your needs, whether it is on- or off-site. Aman has personnel that teach at the University level and can design classes and presentations to meet your specific requirements. Whether it is for recent changes to a code, basic fire extinguisher training, or just general fire safety knowledge, Aman is ready to assist you with your training needs.
Fire Protection Project Management
When embarking on a major fire protection project many facility owners/managers find they do not have the manpower or expertise to effectively manage the project. Aman’s experienced team of fire protection engineers can act as your representative to ensure that the planning, design, equipment specification, installation, commissioning and testing are completed on schedule and budget.
Fire and Accident Investigations
Even in the newest and best maintained facility, unforeseen accidents can happen. The aftermath of an event is difficult regardless of whether it was a frozen fire water pipe, failed fire protection systems, fire and explosions. Aman has engineers that are also Certified Fire & Explosion Investigators (CFEI) who can assist you in reconstructing events and determining the cause of the failure.
Due Diligence
Aman Fire Engineering can perform Due Diligence Surveys of new and existing facilities and varying occupancies for compliance with NFPA, ICC, and related standards. Aman will review facility risks, firewater capacity and flow, fire protection and detection systems, exiting, occupancy loading, verifying compliance. Aman then provides clients with comprehensive reports that detail facility fire protection deficiencies along with recommended steps for correction.
Industrial Fire Protection
Aman Fire Engineering specializes in providing quality fire protection advice to the oil, gas, and petro-chemical industries. Aman Fire Engineering also services heavy manufacturing industries such as steel, mining, pulp and paper, plastic, marine, and aviation. Aman Fire Protection Engineers have provided services for both the world’s largest oil & gas exporter as well as some of the most recognized manufacturing companies.
Aman Fire Engineering understands that every facility is different and every Plant Manager has unique fire protection issues. Aman recognizes on an industrial scale that no two scenarios are alike and, therefore, using prescriptive fire protection requirements does not always meet our client’s unique needs.
Emergency Management And Response Planning
With the size and complexity of many Industrial and manufacturing facilities, the potential for large-scale emergencies is an everyday threat. While it is every facility’s owners/managers wish that they are never required, emergency pre-plans and disaster response plan are critical parts of the company’s operational handbook.
Emergency planning must define and evaluate methods of detection and notification, responsibilities of the facility fire brigade if available, responsibilities of local fire department, incident chain of command, evacuation plans and routes, medical triage location, and incident command location based on the perceived scenarios. Aman’s personnel have experience in both volunteer and paid positions, including municipal and private industrial fire departments.
HPR/Risk Insurance
Managing risk is a high priority for many facilities. Aman Fire Engineering performs on-site surveys and generates HPR underwriting reports, which can be used by the client or as documentation for Insurance brokers. Aman licensed engineers evaluate facilities based upon construction, occupancy, protection, and exposures. Aman assesses all aspects including risk tolerance, potential business interruption, insurance requirements, environmental conditions, available water supply, maintenance, and cost considerations to provide clients with the optimal solution for their needs.
Material And Equipment Specifications
The many industrial and manufacturing facilities have challenging and dangerous environments. In some instances, fire protection equipment is exposed to corrosive, dusty, or wet environments, and therefore must be more robust. Aman engineers have extensive experience in specifying equipment for these challenging environments and have worked with equipment manufactures to design new equipment to meet the client’s needs. If you have a challenging environment, Aman Fire Engineering Consultants can assist you in determining the equipment that will be compatible with your environmental conditions.